Recuperate Le Vostre Radici Quadrate (Reclaim your square roots)
From 2003 to 2006 ConiglioViola was engaged in a project that encompassed music, art and theatre: the massive Recuperate Le Vostre Radici Quadrate (Reclaim Your Square Roots), a genuine testbed for the experimentation of styles and techniques, starting from the reformulation in an electronic key of around twenty tracks originally performed by Italian female pop singers in the 1980s, giving rise to an equal number of music videos, a theatre show (which was later granted the patronage of Turin’s Teatro Stabile), and ConiglioViola’s first solo exhibition. It was 2006, the year of the group’s real “debut” on the art scene.
The reprise of 80s’ music and aestetichs become the pretext for a complete analisys about the different artistic genres, between mitology and irony. ConiglioViola rearranges and sing each of these songs and, finally, produces a video which during the live show becomes the background for live performances, drawing a mutable scenography performers interact with, in a costant passing from a cinematographic dimension to a theatrical one.
The Live Show
The whole show is played within a huge inflatable television from which characters come in and out confusing reality and virtuality, meat and projection so to envelop audience in atmospheres and worlds every time different for each of the songs which compose the show.
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Nostalgia for the 80s is the medium for a project that is strongly contemporary: an investigation on the cutting edge of artistic genres and on the relationship between music and image. “Divas of the 80s” become, ironically and mythologically, paladins of a critic to the contemporary visive culture: where image and narrration are no longer carrier of mith and signify but, too often, replica of the ordinary.
In the catalogue of the exhibit Sono un pirata/Sono un signore (Silvana ed. 2009) the singer Milva herself signs an original text about this project.